Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tis the Season...

Walking in Walmart the other day i noticed that they were starting to get the Christmas decorations out. Christmas is one of my favorite holidays, so seeing those beautiful decorations coming out is wonderful. One of the worst parts about shopping in October is all of the Halloween decorations everywhere in the store.
I am excited for Christmas this year because the roommates and I are going to get a real tree. I haven't had a real Christmas tree in about 7 or 8 years, so I am getting so excited. There is something about a real Christmas tree that makes it feel more like Christmas. Going out in the freezing cold to pick the best tree and then cutting it down is so much fun. Of course I am sure that the roomies and I will have tea or hot chocolate after picking our tree.
I also love picking out the perfect decorations to decorate the tree and around the house. Decorating the tree is always fun. I really enjoy finding the perfect Christmas balls to fill in the holes. I also enjoy picking up decorations and remembering the memories that go with some of them. I have decorations that my mom has bought me each year and decorations that my grandparents have given me each year as well. It is so much fun to experience those memories.
I also love Christmas because it is about the birth of Christ. The birth of my Savior is wonderful. After we celebrate the birth of Christ we move on to another holiday that is about the resurrection of Christ, Easter. Well I am very excited for Christmas to come!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Ok I am finally going to write another post. Sorry to everyone that I haven't written sooner, but I never know what to write about. I still don't really know what to write about, so if you have any ideas leave a comment.
I guess that for this time I will update you all of you on what has been going on in my life. There has been quite a bit going on. I have finally started to unpack from the recent move. I still have quite a bit to unpack. I really enjoy living in Bellefonte. It is very beautiful. I really enjoy the scenery, but I am not so sure of the train that goes by at 5:30 in the morning. It is a lovely alarm clock if you want to be up at 5:30am, but when you are trying to sleep it is not so cool. I also enjoy the Sunday evening walks with one of the roomies. We talk and take pictures, watch a movie and enjoy a hot cup of tea. Last weekend we had a ice cream and tea party and this week was a pizza party and visit of some Virginia friends. We had lots of fun. This Sunday was also fun because I had lunch with some visitors to our Church. They both were very nice and I hope that they enjoyed themselves enough to come back. The Virgina people coming up was a surprise to me, but it was very exciting. I only found out about an hour or so before they showed up. I was very excited to meet some new people and one that I already meet before. I am glad that they were able to stop by. The conversation was very good. Talking about God is always good.
College has also been going well. I signed up for my last semester of classes, so I'm getting closer to the end. I am getting excited that this season in my life is getting coming to an end, but I still want to learn everything that God has to show me in this season. I also want to be a light unto the dark campus that God has set me on. May the Lord help me to walk in His ways.